Did you know that today is National Voter Registration Day?
At Automattic, our mission is to make it easier for people to speak their mind and connect with communities across (and beyond) the web -- every WordPress.com website, and every blog post you publish with the tools we build, is part of a broader conversation. With the midterm elections coming up in the U.S. in November, we're thrilled to announce that we're a proud member of the TurboVote Challenge, a coalition of companies that champion civic engagement. Managed by the nonprofit organization Democracy Works, the TurboVote Challenge is a long-term, nonpartisan alliance of companies and brands that share a simple belief: democracy works better when more people participate.
The goal of the TurboVote Challenge is to help reach an 80 percent voter turnout in the U.S. by 2024. Automattic has joined more than 40 other members, including Amazon, Google, Starbucks, Target, Lyft, and MTV.

As part of this initiative, we're also excited to team up with the Civic Culture Coalition, who recently launched I am a voter., a nonpartisan public-awareness campaign to increase turnout in the 2018 midterm elections. The campaign shows how stunningly easy it is to register to vote -- in fact, registering takes three minutes (or less!). If you're eligible to vote in the U.S., please make sure you're registered today. Visit I am a voter.
Still not sure voting should be on your to-do list this November? Did you know that...
- Hundreds, if not thousands, of races are decided by a single vote every year.
- When a local election is tied, the winner is sometimes decided by flipping a coin.
- Roughly two-thirds of Americans say low participation is a major problem with the current election system.
- All 435 House seats and 35 Senate seats are up for election in November.
- More than half of all governors -- 36 out of 50 -- will be elected in the upcoming cycle.
- This November, millennials will make up the largest voting bloc for the first time.
- If 50 percent of voters show up this November, it would be the highest midterm turnout in a century.
Aren't these great reasons to get involved and register to vote? Thank you for your participation and thank you for being a voter! #iamavoter
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