Automattic strongly believes in a free and open Internet and it's hard to imagine a truly open Internet without Net Neutrality.
What Is Net Neutrality?
"Net Neutrality" is the simple but very powerful principle that all Internet traffic should be treated equally. Whether you're reading a blog post on, streaming Game of Thrones on HBO GO, or browsing handcrafted tea cozies on Etsy, your Internet service provider delivers the Internet to you at the same speed, without blocking, throttling, or charging extra tolls based on the content you're viewing. You can learn more about Net Neutrality and why it's important by visiting
Net Neutrality gives all online businesses, large and small, a chance to reach customers and succeed. It also protects important free speech rights online by prohibiting Internet providers from slowing or blocking sites or messages they don't agree with.
Net Neutrality means an Internet where businesses, products, and ideas thrive or fail based on their own merit — not on whether they have a preferred deal in place with a broadband service provider.
We think this is the way the Internet should work, and the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) agreed when they adopted their landmark Open Internet Order in 2015, enshrining Net Neutrality into law.
The debate leading up to the Order's adoption saw scores of Internet companies (like Automattic) and millions of Internet users - including the President of the United States - stand up against powerful cable monopolies, and in support of strong Net Neutrality protections. Our voices won an important victory for the open Internet.
Net Neutrality is Under Attack, Again
In May 2017, under the very misleading moniker: "Restoring Internet Freedom," the FCC, led by Chairman Ajit Pai, proposed to repeal the popular Net Neutrality rules. Though millions of Internet users support the rules, powerful cable and Internet providers would like nothing more than to repeal them, so that they can act as paid gatekeepers of what we see online. Indeed, without Net Neutrality, the Internet would look a lot more like cable TV, where the content you see is what your cable provider is paid to put in front of you.
We have to stop that from happening.
Take Action to Protect Net Neutrality
July 12 is an Internet-wide day of action in support of Net Neutrality. If you share our love of the free and open Internet and want to join the fight to preserve it, please join in!
Please take a moment today to help by:
(1) sending a message of support to the FCC, which you can do by visiting and
(2) enabling the Fight for Net Neutrality Plugin on your WordPress site, to show your support and encourage others to take action, too. Instructions for installing the plugin on your site are below.
Fight for Net Neutrality on Your WordPress Site
For this day of action, we've built a "Fight for Net Neutrality" plugin that you can enable now on your WordPress site to show support for this important cause.
For sites:
Turn the plugin on by going to your Settings tab on your dashboard. At the top of the Settings menu, you will see a toggle switch - flip it to on (blue) to enable the Net Neutrality plugin:

For WordPress sites (not hosted on
First, visit the plugin directory to download and install the Net Neutrality Plugin - here.
Then, once installed on your site, go to your wp-admin, Settings > Fight for Net Neutrality, and enable the plugin, like so:

Regardless of where you host your WordPress - enabling the plugin will replace a few of the posts on your site with a "Still Loading" spinner…to show what life will be like on an Internet without Net Neutrality, that features dreaded slow lanes.
The plugin will also display a banner that shows your support for Net Neutrality, and links to, where visitors to your site can send a letter to the FCC about this important issue.
After the day of action, the plugin will automatically disable, and your site will return to normal.
Together we can make a difference, and we hope you'll join us in this important battle for the open Internet!
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