Many of you use as a daily or weekly outlet to develop your craft (as seen in our popular writing and photography challenges on The Daily Post), or as a platform to chronicle your own post-a-day and year-long projects. Some projects are ongoing from year to year, while others have defined start and end points. It all depends on your project's focus and scope, and your interests and timeframe.
Before we say hello to 2014, let's take a quick peek at some blogging projects you worked on in 2013.
365 days
365 Days of Bacon was born on January 1, 2013, as a sort of anti-New Year's resolution; the blogger wanted to focus on her obsession with bacon and give it the love it deserves:
Blogging about bacon everyday, and making a lot of tasty bacon recipes? Now that was a New Year's resolution I could stick to. None of that diet and exercise stuff.
While this particular project is completed and the blogger has said farewell to bacon, we're sure you'll find inspiration from it -- and consider your own project for 2014.

Photo-a-day projects were a great way to maintain a regular publishing schedule. Thaddeus Miles shares an image a day on his 365 Project blog, and we like the variety of subjects he presents.
Charlotte Cuevas also challenged herself to hone her craft in 2013 through her 365 Poetry Project, in which she attempted a poem a day.
52 weeks
Some bloggers aren't up for post-a-day challenges, but still want to keep a regular posting schedule. Many of you worked on weekly projects, like the photographer publishing images at bmakphotography, or the fun and adventurous family at 52 Brand New. They try something new each week (like a historical reenactment from the American Revolution), and write about their experiences.
Challenges, seasonal to year-round
In addition to bloggers with 52-week or 365-day publishing schedules, we liked reading the blogs participating in November's NaNoWriMo and NaBloPoMo challenges, and others working on seasonal projects, like Sketched Out's Linda Silvestri, who created festive doodles for HoHoDooDa, or Holiday Doodle a Day:
We've also enjoyed the tens of thousands of submissions from readers at The Daily Post, who return week after week to participate in daily prompts and writing and photography challenges. Many of you are regular participants, like Broken Light Collective and photographer Ron Mayhew.
We're always thrilled to see your familiar gravatars and smiling faces, and give (virtual) high-fives to participants who push themselves to post each day. If you're new to, check out some daily prompt regulars, like Chronicles of An Anglo Swiss, Morrighan's Muse, Like Reading on Trains, and Khana's Web.
Looking for daily encouragement? Thinking of a 2014 project? Visit and follow The Daily Post: we provide prompts and "inspiration words" each day for writers, poets, photographers, and visual artists. You can also download our ebook of 365 Writing Prompts, which will give you an extra boost in 2014.
We'll provide more ideas and inspiration for blogging here in January, from themes to promote yourself and your work to tools to get you started. Get ready!
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