Did you know you can get notifications about new comments, new followers, likes on your posts, and more with the WordPress for iOS app? It's a super convenient way to keep up with your blog even when you're away from your desk. With version 3.4 of WordPress for iOS (available now on the App Store), you get all this in addition to posting, checking stats, and reading your favorite blogs.

Mobile notifications
WordPress for iOS connects directly to your WordPress.com blog and shows you the same notifications you get in your WordPress.com toolbar, but with a twist: You also get push notifications for everything happening on your blog. It's the quickest way to approve or reply to a comment, since you'll know about it as soon as it's posted. With the built-in threads, you can easily see any comments your readers are responding to and keep up with conversations in the community. Checking in on your post is just a tap away!

When you get a new follower, or someone likes or reblogs one of your posts, you're notified as well. The app even sends you notifications for those special days when you're receiving a lot of traffic. And should it ever get too noisy, you can mute an entire blog or disable certain types of notifications -- likes, for example -- in the Settings panel.
Download the WordPress app for your device -- Learn more about WordPress for iOS
Other ways to get notified
Don't have an iOS device or just prefer your computer? There are other ways to keep up with your blog.
Browser extensions/add-ons

With a browser extension/add-on, you will be notified whenever someone likes your posts, follows your blog, posts a comment, and more. You can use Press This to blog about interesting things you find online, as well as follow blogs you like, no matter what website you're browsing.
Get the WordPress.com Chrome extension -- Learn more
Get the WordPress.com Firefox add-on -- Learn more
WordPress.com on mobile
Did you know that WordPress.com works just as well on your smartphone/tablet as on your computer? Try it now! Go to WordPress.com on your device (don't forget to add it to the home screen) and browse away. You'll find all the things you like and use, including a notifications view. Just like with an app or a browser extension/add-on you'll see all your notifications in one place, including stats highlights and replies to your comments.
If you're interested in our mobile apps and would like to help test and contribute to them, head on over to Make WordPress Mobile where all the magic happens. Be sure to follow @WordPressiOS on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest news about the WordPress for iOS app.
What do you like most about WordPress.com notifications and how do you prefer to read them? Feel free to let us know in the comments.
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