For many, blogging is a solo journey, but it doesn't have to be. Did you know a blog on can have multiple contributors? Check out the following group blogs, and you might find inspiration for a project that your friends, colleagues, or family members would love to collaborate on:
Jessica and Hai, a globetrotting Australian couple and writer/photographer team currently based in Tokyo, document their adventures with words and images. The home page is a dynamic display of the vibrant images of the festivals and places they've explored and is a fun way to share their content.
[Theme: Customized Imbalance 2, a sophisticated theme for showcasing a group portfolio or online magazine.]

Two friends under the aliases Naomi and Elle approach weight loss, body image, exercise, and women's health with heart, humor, and sass. The conversational blog is new, but the pair has created various features, like static pages for exercise journals and stats, so readers can follow along on their journeys.
[Theme: Oxygen, a versatile theme that allows you to switch between a traditional post format and an online magazine-style template.]

A group of romance novelist-moms muse on motherhood and writing, from the craft to the business of publishing. An honest, lighthearted tone permeates the blog—they share what they have learned about raising kids and writing books with readers, yet also learn from each other.
[Theme: Forever, a simple and modern design that's easy to follow.]

Ten friends explore a mix of topics, including travel, family, and food. Their voices are different, yet they share a perspective that life should be shown as it is: beautiful, messy, mundane, and real. The photography is the blog's unifying element.
[Theme: Customized Anthem, a clean, elegant theme with eight unique post formats.]

Through this simple but effective photo project, a dad and daughter get to know each other—and their cameras—better. Each week, they share images based on a theme. The side-by-side placement of their photographs and clean blog design are a winning combination.
[Theme: Customized Vigilance, a minimal theme that keeps the focus on content—and is perfect for a photo project such as this one.]

This group of writers analyzes cultural, social, and political trends in the Iranian, Central Asian, and Diaspora communities. Three columns of text and images offer a variety of content, and authors and categories are clearly displayed.
[Theme: The Morning After, a classic magazine-style theme that can be customized to fit a group's needs.]

This is what happens when a trio of engineers decide to take to the streets and document what they see. Stunning shots of culture, nature, and people are showcased on a photo-centric home page with a custom image sidebar.
[Theme: Ideation and Intent, a visual theme of bright colors and clean lines fitting for a collective of creatives.]

This team covers exhibitions and cool finds in art, design, and music, from London to Tokyo. Influenced by both contemporary and traditional culture and design, they post in English and Japanese, attracting a global readership.
[Theme: Customized Blogum, a modern design without the clutter, allowing a group to focus on their ideas.]

Have an idea for a group blog? Create a new blog or transform your current one by following the steps in the support document on inviting blog contributors.
The key steps to adding new users to your blog:
- Click on Users -> Invite New in your dashboard, then follow the instructions to add usernames or email addresses. (You can invite people who are not members. Once invited, they will follow steps to complete the sign-up process.)

- Select either Editor, Author, or Contributor from the dropdown. (You can add a user as an Administrator, but be careful—this grants full ownership rights to him/her. Only one administrator per blog is recommended.)

Editors can view, edit, publish, and delete posts/pages; moderate comments and manage categories, tags, and links; and upload files/images. Authors can edit, publish, and delete their own posts, as well as upload files/images. Contributors can edit their own posts but cannot publish them; these posts are submitted to an administrator for review. (Learn more about these user roles.)
We're excited to see what you come up with!